How to Prepare Physics for NEET with Darwin app

NEET Physics Preparation Tips

Looking for ways to score higher marks in the Physics section of NEET? Worry not, aspiring Medico students! You have come to the right place. 

Since you are here, we can assume that physics is haunting you at midnight, and you want to combat the subject with the best strategies. 

Students usually find Physics to be challenging for NEET. Most students either face problems with numerical in Physics or they fear the Maths involved. Physics questions are based on concepts. And if the concepts are weak, then questions might appear tricky or throw you out of balance. 

But what if the concepts are clear? Then you may find that you enjoy studying and solving physics questions. 

Let’s find out how can you strengthen your concepts and prepare better for Physics for NEET. 

So, let’s start. 

1.Follow the Exam Pattern 

According to the NEET Physics Exam Pattern, there are 45 questions in the Physics section. Each question carries 4 marks, and every incorrect answer will result in a negative 1 mark. 

Subjects Questions Marks 
Physics 45 180 
Chemistry 45 180 
Botany 90 360 
Total 180 720 

Experts say that students should try to attempt 140+ marks in NEET Physics. That means if you want to score 140 in this section, you will need 36-38 correct answers (considering the negativing marking). 

Since Physics constitutes 25% of the questions in the exam paper, you can’t take the risk of leaving this subject entirely. But, at the same time, avoid spending too much of your time specializing in Physics as it will jeopardize your chances of doing well in other subjects. You need to maintain a proper balance within these two extreme options. 

Here’s the previous year’s pattern of NEET Physics Paper. 

Questions Number of Questions Asked in NEET Strategy 
Theory Based 15-20 Read NCERT 
Numerical/ Derivation Based 15-20 Read NCERT 
Logical 5-10 Read NCERT (Application-based) 
Critical Concept 5-10 High Difficulty. Determine Toppers 

 The pattern clearly shows that most of the questions come from NCERT books. However, for solving numerical, logical, and critical questions, and understanding some tougher topics, you can go that extra mile and refer to other books.

So, at the end of each topic, how do you evaluate your learnings? 

When you prepare for NEET physics with the Darwin app, you can take unlimited topic-wise and subject-wise tests based on your learnings. Darwin provides clear solutions to make you understand concepts better. In case of doubts or queries, you also can discuss any questions or concepts with your peers.

Topic-Wise NEET Questions on Darwin
Topic-Wise NEET Questions on Darwin

2. Understand the Syllabus through the lens of Question Papers 

You must solve the last 10 years’ question papers while preparing for the exam. But it is equally significant that you understand the pattern of the questions asked. 

Here is the topic-wise weightage of NEET Physics:

Topic wise weightage NEET Physics

You must understand the exam pattern and syllabus because this will help you decide how much time you should dedicate to each section. Read the chapters and try to understand the concepts behind them. Focus on all important topics, including formulas specified in the syllabus. The weightage allotted to different units and chapters mentioned here would help you form a strategy for preparing the chapters accordingly. 

Experts have designed Darwin’s NEET Physics mock tests based on the weightage and significance of each topic. On Darwin, you can solve more than 30 years of the previous year’s question papers. Depending on the subject or topic you are studying, you can even customize your workout. Darwin’s practice papers have a variety of questions on each topic so that you get a flavor of all while appearing for the mock tests.


Previous Year Papers NEET
Customize your workout on Darwin

3. Learn the Formulas 

To solve the numerical questions in physics, you must master the formulas. Make a list of all your formulas in a notebook so that you could revise them daily. Practice numerical questions regularly to get yourself familiarized with various kinds of NEET Physics questions. You will not just use the formulas but also need to implement the concepts behind them.  

Of course, just mugging up all the formulas is going to be hard! 

Darwin app not only provides MCQs but pushes you out of your comfort zone. When you practice tens of thousands of questions from our exhaustive NEET question bank, you learn to apply those formulas, facts, and concepts in each question. 

Is it any wonder that it will be too easy for you when the question comes in the NEET 2022 final paper? 

4. Practice Makes You Perfect 

NEET Physics preparation requires intense practice. Therefore, it is better that you prepare yourself under the “Exam-Day” environment. Solve mock papers for NEET Physics within a limited time frame.  An actual exam day scenario will increase your confidence, speed, and morale to take on any challenge. Solving mock questions regularly will also improve your weak areas.  

Besides daily NEET mock tests, the Darwin app offers more than 18,000+ questions for NEET Physics alone. Take the unlimited customized practice mock tests for physics to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Our breakthrough analytics will observe a pattern within the incorrect questions and will find questions that will help you improve your score.  

5. Revision is a Healthy Habit 

 Revision is important to NEET aspirants in two ways: Firstly, it helps you recall the Physics concepts, facts, figures, formulas, and methodologies that you covered some time ago. Secondly, if done correctly, it can help enhance your confidence and reduce anxiety.

But what if you have been revising all year round? That means comprehensive preparation, less pressure, and reduced stress! 

We have designed Darwin in such a manner that you can do revisions daily. While you practice, our adaptive question delivery will even exhibit questions that you have marked wronged in the past. 

So, practice the test, and come back to revise the questions that you got wrong till your concepts are clear. The whole process helps you discover and focus on your weak concepts. This revision will further help you improve your retention.

A Journey of Thousand Miles Begins with One Step 

NEET is the biggest national-level medical entrance exam, where lakhs of aspirants will compete with you to take the coveted positions in medical colleges. It would help if you believe in yourself and all that you are. You have come this far, so don’t let the pressure of competition derail you.

Start by formulating a winning strategy. The right preparation, when combined with hard work and consistent practice, results in unparalleled success. Join the Darwin NEET community for a winning combination. 
