Last 30 Days | Dos and Don’ts for NEET

Are you feeling the pressure of NEET looming over you? Are you in a frenzy trying to go through the topics again? In the last 30 days, it becomes more crucial to follow the right strategies and use the final days effectively. Everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and one should work out a plan keeping their preparation and goals in mind.
Yet, there are certain essential do’s and don’ts that all students should bear in mind while developing their study schedule in the last 30 days.
Do’s in the last 30 days
Revise the easiest topics at the end
Ideally, this shouldn’t happen as you need to revise the complete portion at least 2-3 times before the NEET. However, for some reason, if you couldn’t finish the syllabus 2-3 months prior to the exam and didn’t get much time for revision, then leave the easiest topics to the last. This will keep your stress levels down knowing that you’re done with the difficult topics. But ensure that you complete at least one round of the entire syllabus revision a minimum of 15 days prior to the exam but not later than that. To efficiently use these final days, practice from the 3000+ NEET flashcards on your phone for quick retention of high-yield concepts.

The paramount thing
You cannot score in NEET by just theoretically knowing things. You must be able to answer questions accurately and within the time limit. The best way to do this is by attempting as many full mock tests on Darwin as possible. The NEET mock tests on Darwin are designed to give the real-time exam experience as per the latest pattern.

At the end of the day, attempt all the questions from the daily revision tab. As you keep practicing these tests and doing regular revisions, your scores and rank will improve, which will eventually show in the NEET results.

Get familiarized with the OMR sheet
NEET is a pen-and-paper-based test, and the OMR sheet is an integral part of the exam. Downloading the latest OMR sheet and practicing a few mock tests on it can help you get familiar with the sheet’s format, structure, and layout, making it easier to tackle the actual exam. During the exam rush, NEET aspirants may not fill in the bubbles properly and neatly or select the wrong answer in a hurry. All these can be avoided by practicing enough on an OMR sheet. Plus, you get an idea of the time needed to fill up the OMR sheet and can manage time effectively during the exam
Analyze weak topics to prepare smartly
Solving maximum MCQs is the easiest way to master your NEET prep. The more MCQs you solve, the better your timing and accuracy become and the more will be your chances of cracking the exam. Aim to solve more than 300 MCQs a day and check your strong and weak topics on PrepDNA. Make a note of the ones you’re weak at and if they are of high importance, you need to go through your notes or Darwin’s notes to understand the concept properly and re-try the questions. If they are low-yield subjects, leave them as you don’t have much time to cover them.

Don’ts in the last 30 days
Don’t start a new topic in the last 30 days
The last few days before the exam should be devoted to revising and consolidating the knowledge and skills that have already been acquired during the preparation period. Starting a completely new topic in the last leg of preparation days can cause undue stress and confusion as there may not be enough time to fully comprehend and internalize the new information. This can negatively impact performance in the exam. So, it’s better to stick to the things you know and do your best in those.
Stay away from negativity
We feel that there is no harm in watching negative news or WhatsApp university messages, but the truth is that negative things distort our thinking. The last 30 days before the exam is already a stressful time for most students, watching and hearing negative things can make the anxiety worse. So, avoid doing anything that aggravates stress levels. This includes avoiding negative people as they can easily demotivate you which is the last thing you want before the NEET UG exam.
Avoid cramming to remember everything
Many students dig their heads in their books or laptops due to fear that they shouldn’t miss out on anything important during the exam. But instead, trying to memorize and remember everything at the last minute will make you forget the things you know. It is important to revise and consolidate what you have already learned and relax before the exam.
Don’t neglect practical skills
Practical skills are crucial for NEET preparation as they help students to understand and apply the concepts they have learned. It assists the aspirants to understand concepts better as they can see how the theory applies in real-life situations. This knowledge supports solving questions that test the application of concepts. The NEET exam also consists of questions on lab testing, dissection, and other practical skills and if you lack practical knowledge, you may not be able to understand or solve those questions.
The final 30 days are filled with mixed emotions for many students. You may experience negative thoughts and fear about getting the anticipated rank but also have dreams of clearing the NEET and getting an MBBS degree. But remember, to focus and give your best in the final phase of preparation, and not let stress get the best of you. Prepare well with Darwin and have the right mindset, and you’ll crush that NEET exam and emerge victorious.