Leapfrog The Competition – Pre-PG Premium for NEET PG

Crack NEET PG with Pre-PG Premium

Competition for NEET PG is quite stiff. Each MCQ matters. We checked with our data analytics team to know how many ranks you can gain or lose by getting one extra right MCQ in NEET PG.  

And here are the results, 

Get a better NEET PG rank with Pre PG Prep

This clearly that if you score a NEET PG rank in between 1,000 to 5,000, each extra MCQ you got correct could have improved your NEET rank by 200

Premium membership of Pre-PG is not only designed to give you an edge but also help you leapfrog the competition in NEET PG. Good enough to get you half the NEET PG rank that you would get if you didn’t use our Premium features. 

NEET PG Topper Success Story with Pre PG Premium
Example of how a doctor leapfrogged competition using Pre-PG Premium

But how? Read the full article here