Do you know that solving NEET MDS Clinical MCQs and previous years’ question papers under exam-like conditions can enhance your MDSprep? The more NEET MDS questions you solve, the more comfortable you will become with the exam environment because you may have solved these questions innumerable times. NEET MDS clinical questions intimidate many dentists and aspirants because you must apply theory and learn in a practical scenario. But with regular practice, you can eliminate the fear of these clinically-oriented MCQs and become ready to take the exam anytime.
PULP offers you ten free NEET MDS online sample questions from the subject-Complete Denture, which you can practice to become up to date with the current trends. Take the test and determine where you stand in your NEET MDS preparation.
Q 1. The upper denture falls when the patient opens his mouth wide. This is due to:
Apart from solving Dental Clinical MDS questions and mock tests for a confidence booster, you should also revise the concepts regularly. Practicing the NEET MDS questions regularly will ensure that you do not forget any concept you learned earlier. With PULP, you can solve 32,000+ NEET MDS MCQs and easily revise them with the help of advanced features. Subscribe to PULP NEET MDS Prep App now and watch how you improve your NEET MDS preparation.