99% Strike Rate in NEET PG 2023

neet pg strike rate

We know you’ve burnt many midnight oils to prep for NEET PG and would have had a sigh of relief after looking at the exam paper.

You may ask why?

Anyone who has used Pre-PG sincerely would have realized how similar was this year’s paper with Pre-PG’s Q-bank. Many of our users messaged us mentioning how they solved most of the NEET PG 2023 questions with ease as they were an exact replica of the questions on Pre-PG.

And we won’t hesitate to say that we are ready to write history once again!

This year too, we continued our legacy of the highest strike rate with 99% of NEET PG 2023 questions repeated from our question bank. That means 198 questions out of 200 NEET PG 2023 questions got repeated from our platform and if you have practiced on Pre-PG giving your blood, sweat, and tears, then we’re confident that you’ll be among the top performers.

You may think we’re bluffing, but we’re not!

Don’t just take our word for it, let the evidence convince you! You can compare this year’s NEET PG exam questions to the MCQs from Pre-PG.

You will find the similarity, uncanny!

Consistently raising the bar

Pre-PG has always strived to improve and provide an enhanced user experience. After every NEET PG exam, our team of experts dedicated themselves to analyze the paper to understand how closely aligned they were with the actual exam pattern.

We don’t just throw together some random questions and claim our strike. We take the time to research and study the NEET PG exam paper and come up with questions that are on point and closely mimic the real exam.

If any of the Pre-PG users had solved daily tests, mini mock tests, clinical-endurance tests, and all the other mock tests on a regular basis, revised every day, tracked their mistakes, and performed on PrepDNA to work on their weaker areas, they would have easily scored 600+ marks. And if your aim had been to score just above the cut-off, it would have been child’s play!

By the time you sat down to take the real exam, you’re already comfortable with the format, the types of questions, and the time constraints. You’re not caught off guard by anything, and that puts you in a better position to focus on answering the questions to the best of your abilities.

We’d like to show you some screenshots of the NEET PG 2023 repeats from Pre-PG. We know that you’re a smart cookie so we leave it to you to determine if this is just a fluke or if we are talking out of the experience. Here is an example of a Pre-PG exact match question that appeared in NEET PG 2023.

neet pg 2023 strike rate

Click here to access this question on Pre-PG.

Here’s another example of NEET PG 2023 repeat from surgery.

best neet pg strike rate

Access the above question here.

You can double-check the results for all 198/200 NEET PG 2023 questions on our other blog. The other two questions that we were not able to map were not very relevant to the MBBS course. They were more inclined to test general knowledge rather than medical knowledge. Also, if we focused on such questions, then the Q-count in our database would increase significantly.

NEET PG best strike rate
Missed Repeats from Pre-PG in NEET PG 2023

Our expert team had gone above and beyond to create clinical questions that were as close to the actual exam as you can get. We know that PG aspirants would have been overjoyed after seeing clinical questions from Pre-PG’s question bank that they practiced day and night being asked in the NEET PG 2023. Here’s another forensic medicine example of the NEET PG 2023 repeat. Click here to access this question on Pre-PG.

highest neet pg strike rate

Why are we different?

We are not backlashing anyone but everyone is aware of the truth that many coaching institutes claim of having their institute students top the NEET PG exam by just taking a few tests.

The same institutes claim their strike rate from their notes, explanations, and videos. You should see for yourself how they claim a soaring success rate – through a visual feast of notes, videos, and in-depth lectures!


They are entirely based on our question bank.

If that had been the case, we would have also claimed a 100% strike rate, just like some other marketing gimmicks. Instead, in our case, most of our questions were strong matches. You could easily have achieved 600+ marks on the exam this year just by carefully answering these strong matches.

Pre-PG: Your secret weapon for conquering NEET PG!

NEET PG is hard, and rigorous dedication and a well-planned strategy are needed to ace it. Pre-PG focuses on intelligent learning through its 360-degree NEET PG prep platform. Hence, we recommend you explore all the features of the platform to maximize your chances of winning.

Just like salt and spice are a must for a delicious meal, similarly, practice questions and revisions are the backbones of NEET PG prep and can’t be missed. And, Pre-PG gives more emphasis on these two.

We don’t just serve up softball questions that anyone can answer. Our questions simulate the actual exam. We want you to push your limits, stretch your mental muscles, and really put your knowledge to the test. By practicing with our app, you can hone your skills, fine-tune your approach, and build up your confidence to take the real exam with gusto.

In the end, we would like to thank all our users for making us partners in their journey. We’re so proud of you.

Before saying Adios, we want you to look for unbiased results, weigh your pros and cons and then make an informed decision when selecting your preferred NEET PG prep partner.
